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Benefits of Sedation Dentistry
Sedation dentistry uses pharmacological agents to help patients relax before dental appointments. Many people fear going to the dentist, but sedation dentistry can help them feel relaxed and comfortable during their dental procedures. In a recent study, nearly half of dental patients reported sedation while receiving dental treatment. In fact, sedation dentistry has become the norm in many dental offices. Read on to learn about the benefits of sedation dentistry for your next dental appointment.
Moderate sedation puts a patient into a dreamlike state. Although the patient may be unable to remember the procedure, they are likely to cooperate fully throughout it. Deep sedation puts the patient in a state of near unconsciousness, but they can awaken at any time. General anesthesia puts the patient completely unconscious. There are two types of sedation dentistry: inhaled minimal sedation and general anesthesia. Sedation dentistry helps patients relax and be compliant throughout dental procedures.
Sedation dentistry is beneficial for patients with special needs. Patients with chronic pain or seizures must be monitored closely during a procedure. In addition to this, patients with autism and epilepsy require special care to prevent seizures during the procedure. Sedation dentistry should only be considered after a consultation with a doctor for these patients. It may be difficult to follow these guidelines, but the goal is to minimize any complications during the procedure. There are many advantages to sedation dentistry.
During oral sedation, a prescription medication is administered to the patient. Most people are prescribed Halcion, which is similar to Valium. If you have a moderate dose of oral sedation, you might fall asleep. IV sedation, on the other hand, involves an intravenous injection and takes effect much faster. This type of sedation has the benefit of letting the dentist monitor the level of sedation and ensure that it is appropriate for you. Learn more about dentistry, great post to read here. 
Sedation dentistry can reduce your fear of the dentist, and can reduce your anxiety about pain. Sedation also has a positive effect on the gag reflex, reducing the need for frequent trips to the dentist. In fact, people with a severe gag reflex can benefit from sedation dentistry because it makes their dental visits much more comfortable. Sedation dentistry can also prevent larger problems in the mouth and require more drastic dental treatment.
While sedation is generally considered safe for use during pregnancy, the benefits and risks of the procedure vary from person to person. For pregnant women, sedation is often a good option, but it's important to discuss the risks and benefits of sedation dentistry with your dentist. The cost of sedation varies by location and procedure. The average cost is between $200 and $300. But your dentist can determine how much it will cost based on your insurance coverage and the type of sedation drug used. Take a  look at this link for more information.
Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, is a form of conscious sedation administered through a nose-mask. It works almost instantly and wears off quickly, making the patient comfortable throughout the procedure. In addition to being effective, nitrous oxide has virtually no side effects, and the effects wear off quickly after the dentist's team finishes administering the gas. A few minor side effects may occur, such as headaches, dizziness, and nausea.
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